Archives: Teams

2020 Favorable Mention: ROI Scorecard

The Junior League of Birmingham, AL

2013 Honorable Mention: New Member Campaign

The Junior League of Atlanta, GA

2011: Diversity and Cultural Inclusion Committee

The Junior League of Baton Rouge, LA

2011 Honorable Mention: Diversity Task Force

The Junior League of Dallas, TX

2007 Honorable Mention: Citizenship Project

The Junior League of Fargo-Moorehead, ND-MN

2024: DEIAB

The Junior League of Washington, DC

2012 Honorable Mention: Membership Advisor Placement

The Junior League of Durham and Orange Counties, NC

2021: Nonprofit Board Development Program

The Junior League of Wichita, KS

2020: Spanish Immersion Program

The Junior League of Austin, TX