Tina Winham
As someone who was raised in an environment without a lot of positive women role models, Tina Winham has always longed to become one. Joining the Junior League of Northwest Arkansas gave her both the opportunity to be a positive role model within her League and for women and children in her community seeking a path out of domestic violence. Since 2003, she has collaborated with her community to help women rise out of poverty, secure jobs, and leave destructive relationships.
“The Junior League changed my life,” says Winham. “It set me on the path I am on today to be a powerful voice for women, helping all women reach their potential.”
An introvert by nature, Winham initially shied away from the spotlight while building her confidence and learning new skills in her League. She took on smaller leadership roles at first, becoming a member and then Chair of her League’s Training Committee. She wanted to nurture new Members, which led her to serve as a New Member Trainer and eventually as Chair of the New Member Program. When Winham was asked to be President of the Junior League of Northwest Arkansas, she was honored, but nervous about speaking each month in front of Members. She decided to step out of her comfort zone. Ultimately, she enjoyed representing her League, became a more confident public speaker, and was motivated to serve as an At-Large Member on The Association of Junior Leagues International (AJLI) Board.
The Northwest Arkansas Women’s Shelter took note of Winham’s domestic violence work with her League and invited her to serve on their board, and later become its President. As President, she used her Junior League training to build a financial plan that transitioned the shelter into strong financial standing. Winham was also appointed by the Arkansas Governor to her state’s National Service and Volunteerism Commission. She credits The Junior League with preparing her for working closely with legislators on policies that impact Arkansas communities.
“I consistently share my leadership story and it always begins with The Junior League as the foundation that has made my contributions civically and professionally possible,” Winham says. “I’m always recruiting and recommending women to join our Junior League!”