2023: Junior League of El Paso, Texas
In 2019, The Junior League of El Paso, started developing a mental health app geared towards adolescents to reduce feelings of isolation and the stigma around mental health.
Currently, the MyFeels App is available in the App Store and on Google Play and has 1,344 downloads. The Junior League of El Paso, TX learned that the app served as a critical tool for teens that had dealt with trauma experienced during the pandemic. They received positive news coverage and made the App a mental health resource that they provide to their community. In year two, the Junior League of El Paso integrated the app into a mental health training for adults on how to deal with adolescent mental health.
They have several community partners, including their local chapter of National Alliance on Mental Illness, Public Schools, Big Brothers and Big Sisters, and local youth psychologists. As the work continues, the JL of El Paso seeks to expand its reach and share their success with other Junior Leagues AJLI Chapters so they can also share this resource in their communities.