2013: Laurie Green
The Junior League of Sacramento
Rising Star Laurie Green of The Junior League of Sacramento is a woman whose membership in the League is proof that some of the most rewarding paths to take are those you never would have considered initially.
A career nutritionist with a passion for public health - specifically the health of women and children - Green joined the League on a whim with a friend in 2008. In 2009, when the League solidified its focus on the issue of nutrition, she decided to serve on the PR and Marketing Committee where she proved a quick study. She applied her new-found skills to the marketing of the League’s 1991 cookbook, which was being resurrected in celebration of its 65th anniversary. With a daunting inventory of books to sell, she discerned a need for change in the Cookbook Committee, nominated herself as chair, and used what she’d learned in mission-driven fund development workshops to market the book to community members outside the League who were willing to support the League’s good work.
Green then served as Treasurer for her League. As such, she devoured laws and regulations, educated her fellow members on responsible and realistic budget management, pushed through a much needed dues increase, and negotiated with local businesses for discounts on costs while maintaining their allegiance.