2011 Honorable Mention: Diversity Task Force
Program Goal
The goal of the The Junior League of Dallas (JLD) Diversity Program was to create a culture of inclusion within the League. It sought to have every member embrace the value and importance of diversity. It encouraged members to be sensitive to diverse perspectives, to respect difference among individuals and to recognize the unique contribution every individual makes.
Program Description
JLD established a Diversity Task Force (DTF), which was solely dedicated to addressing issues of diversity and inclusion within the League. JLD broadly defined diversity to include gender, race, religion, age, ability, class, sexual orientation, and ethnicity. By taking a series of actions, the effort helped foster a culture of inclusion.
To make members aware of diversity issues and to make the League as welcoming as possible DTF identified diversity opportunities within the League. It made recommendations to the Board regarding actions that should be taken to demonstrate commitment and inclusion on all aspects of JLD operations. The idea is for members to gain both greater exposure to issues of inclusion and to experience the application of more inclusive practices. The operational areas included GMMs, new member recruitment and leadership training. The JLD website have all been impacted by this effort. The DTF provided training for the Leadership Council and introduced a new member diversity recruitment strategy. The Leadership Council received inclusion training and shared their learning in their committees. Diversity themed sessions were added to GMMs and other meetings. Diversity training was also provided at the Provisional retreat.
The committee was highly collaborative working with all facets of the League from membership to leadership, training to communication and community. DTF arranged for the League to work with new groups from a wide spectrum of the Dallas community. They developed partnerships with a variety of new community organizations, such as churches, sororities and young lawyers. Members were exposed to working with new partners and developed a deeper appreciation of the concepts of diversity.
JLD demonstrated an unmistakable and ongoing commitment to improving diversity and inclusion by offering all members training and new experiences. The effort helped foster a culture of inclusion and promoted the understanding and sensitivity to diverse perspectives through training. It also strived to accurately represent the community and provide members the skills to better serve the diverse population of Dallas, and made significant chances in operations.
Changes in operations were implemented. Here are some examples:
- A member survey with a focus of obtaining demographic data was implemented to determine how diverse the membership is.
- A mentor program was instituted to engage the talents of diverse first year Actives. These mentors worked with these diverse members to deepen their connection to JLD.
- Special email messages were sent to all members that covered a variety of topics related to issues of inclusion. This supplemented communication at GMMs and other meetings.
- Also, the website prominently displays JLD’s Diversity Outreach Statement.
The bottom line is JLD made diversity and inclusion a significant value in all aspects of all operations. There is a new awareness of diversity and a renewed sense of purpose in all aspects of League life.
The initiative created a new member survey that will provide valuable feedback going forward. Diversity training will be evaluated to make sure it is relevant and the work of the DTF is on track.