Shawnica Pollard-Moss
Shawnica Pollard-Moss is a member of the Junior League of the Woodlands. Since serving her League she has always served on the Diversity and Inclusion Committee. During her first active year, she held a double placement on the inaugural Diversity and Inclusion Committee. The next year she served as the Diversity & Inclusion Assistant Chair. Currently, she is making history as the first Black Diversity & Inclusion Chair for her League; Shawnica also serves a JLTW Board Member.
Shawnica is servant leader and is always very enthusiastic about educating our members on different cultures and viewpoints to help build harmonious league relationships. She and her committee has been focused on sincerely honoring differences and creating a welcoming inclusive environment for all our members. During this league year, Shawnica launched “Our Voices.” It is a resource to educate our members. “Our Voices” is posted monthly to help connect league members with resources that they can view and research in their safe space on diversity, inclusion, and equity topics. This League year, she has taken D&I to a different level. One of the quotes that reminds one of her work is “Every generation leaves behind a legacy. What that legacy will be is determined by the people of that generation. What legacy do you want to leave behind?” by John Lewis. Shawnica works very hard to leave a legacy that will pave the way for other women daily. Shawnica truly represents an unstoppable woman!