Bett Williams
Junior League of Columbia
Bett is a passionate and tireless advocate for The Junior League as it sets the standard for women’s leadership. Through her work with the Junior League of Columbia and The Association of Junior Leagues International, she champions how the organization can help its members develop critical skills through experiential learning and community leadership opportunities.
She believes advancing diversity and inclusion is essential to The Junior League Mission and its relevance in the 21st century. With experience bringing strategy to action, Bett has a keen interest and enthusiasm in non-profit governance. For these reasons, Bett has been a valuable leader to her Junior League and to AJLI.
At the Junior League of Columbia, Bett served as a council Vice President and President. She led a community grants process to fund project investments and updated the budget processes to maximize funds for community programming. While she was President, the Junior League of Columbia significantly expanded its community work, including increased reach of the League’s signature project, Kids in the Kitchen, a partnership with Meals on Wheels and an international refugee project. Bett previously served on the AJLI Board of Directors and chaired the AJLI Governance Committee. Bett’s work with The Junior League is complemented by her years of serving as chair of the Governance Committee for the Girl Scouts of South Carolina – Mountains to Midlands, another historic leadership development organization facing similar challenges as The Junior League. Bett currently is the Vice Chair of the Communications Committee for the National Alliance for Children’s Trust and Prevention Funds, the national membership organization for state Children’s Trust and Prevention Funds. Bett also is a regular parent volunteer in her children’s activities, schools and church.
Her civic work dovetails with her professional work as Chief Communications Officer for Children’s Trust of South Carolina, the state organization working to strengthen families and lead communities to prevent child abuse, neglect and injuries. Bett leads the organization’s communications team, including branding, marketing and media relations.
Bett is a graduate of Wake Forest University, earning her B.A. in English and Politics.