2022: Membership Matters
During the isolation of the 2020-2021 pandemic League year, the Junior League of Nashville designed Membership Matters as both a mantra and engagement strategy for its 1,500 members.
Membership Matters reimagined how to connect with members, as well as serve the Nashville community and the League’s partners. The campaign highlighted how each individual makes a difference to the organization and what the Junior League as a collective contributes to the surrounding community. As the Junior League of Nashville was celebrating their 99th year as an organization, they highlighted “99 Reasons Why Membership Matters,” featuring one reason—a description, definition, anecdote, or individual recognition—each week in their e-newsletter, the primary source of communication with members.
The League featured corresponding photos on social media to reach a larger audience of followers. For 52 weeks, “99 Reasons” allowed the League to highlight individual members, provide education about all aspects of the League, introduce 23 different concepts that members could use to explain why they choose to be part of The Junior League, and clarify the current leadership’s interpretation of Mission, Vision, and Values.
From “99 Reasons” to having League Leaders regularly check in on their committees, groups, and individual members to sending a letter to membership incorporating member feedback, the Junior League of Nashville reached their goal of keeping members engaged and connected. Membership numbers increased, 150 eager women joined the 2021-2022 provisional class, and the Junior League of Nashville entered their centennial year with new energy, momentum, and engagement to carry their Mission forward in the community.