2020: Carolyn Carpenter Nall
The Junior League of San Diego
From the beginning of her Junior League career, Carolyn Carpenter Nall demonstrated her ability to serve as a strong leader. Within her provisional group, Carolyn led a community service project in which her team partnered with California State University, San Marcos, to create a community lounge for transition age foster youth attending college.
In her first active year, Carolyn led a team of four community partners dedicated to human trafficking prevention to create a mobile app that uses avatar-based gaming to teach youth how to make healthy relationship decisions to avoid becoming victims of sexual exploitation.
Carolyn’s second and third active years have been dedicated to serving as JLSD’s SPAC delegate, working with state and local legislators to drive lasting change for the League and its community partners through effective legislation. In this role, Carolyn works with League delegates throughout California to create, draft, sponsor and support state legislation in the areas of human trafficking, family support, education, violence prevention and women’s health. Carolyn travels to Sacramento to meet one-on-one with state legislators to encourage them to vote yes on bills that drive change in these focus areas. Carolyn was recognized as JLSD’s January 2019 Volunteer of the Month for her efforts.
Carolyn provides many opportunities for League members to learn and volunteer. Most recently, she served as moderator for one of the Junior League of San Diego’s biggest events of the year, the Community Impact Forum. Carolyn led and moderated the Forum discussion, providing guidance on how the information shared by the panelists could be applied to work within the League and members’ personal lives.
Carolyn always makes sure to be inclusive of any League members and welcomes a wide variety of input and viewpoints. Most importantly, Carolyn makes clear to the League that her driving purpose is to serve as an advocate for those without a voice. Her heart for serving others is unparalleled.