2020: Training Tuesdays
This year’s winner of the Membership Recruitment and Engagement Award is the Junior League of Charlotte.
The Junior League of Charlotte, Inc. (JLC) offers a wide range of training opportunities including GMM's, new member programs, 200+ leadership opportunities, and four signature training programs. Despite these offerings, 2016 membership survey results showed members wanted additional training opportunities, yet only 1% of members were attending the current offerings. They were missing the mark. Based on the membership survey, the Education and Training Council proposed a dedicated day for training during the first Tuesday of each month: “Training Tuesdays.” Members could plan to attend the regularly scheduled trainings, and leadership reserved this day each month so League activities would not conflict.
In addition to consistent scheduling, each year included a branded theme and dedicated hashtag. Thematic monthly programs were outlined for membership, t-shirts created to match each year’s theme, and a creative video kicked off the year to publicize the offerings to all members. There was a buzz! For the first time, trainings filled up months in advance and members filled a wait list. The same can be said of 2017 and each subsequent year.
Since revamping training, attendance numbers increased by 200% and, according to exit surveys, 98% of members rated these trainings a 4 or better out of a possible 5 (5 - excellent). Over 30% of current leadership attended Training Tuesdays; and 25% of Provisionals who participated in Training Tuesdays are now in leadership positions.
This committee listened to members and revamped leadership training resulting in dramatically increased member attendance, engagement, and satisfaction in leadership training.
Internally, the Tuesday Training revamp excited membership about leadership training. This is mission critical. Externally, our members are being sought out by community nonprofits to serve as Board members and are regarded as standouts for the leadership skills they have gained through the League.
Since revamping the program: 1) attendance at Tuesday Trainings has increased by 200%; 2) exit surveys show 98% of members rated these trainings a four or better out of a possible five; 3) 30% of current leadership attended Training Tuesdays; and 4) 25% of provisionals who participated in Training Tuesdays now serve in leadership positions.
Most significantly, 99% of attendees reported they met someone new at Training Tuesday, leading to increased member engagement.
Member feedback directed JLC in providing training opportunities aligned with the needs and interests of its membership. The number of completed surveys at each training increased as members recognized adjustments were made based on feedback. Based on Training Tuesdays’ success, all committees who provide training opportunities survey participants in a standardized form and seek feedback on how trainings can be improved. Additionally, committees now add videos, hashtags, and integrated social media into annual communication plans.