2019: Jillian Goodwin
Unapologetically passionate vision. Unwavering commitment. Proactive self-starter. Inspired, gracious leader. Mentor. Curious community builder. All are hallmarks of Jillian Goodwin’s leadership approach. And, The Junior League of Norfolk-Virginia Beach and the broader community are beneficiaries of her passion, vision and can-do attitude.
Beginning her membership in 2015, Jillian volunteered for placement on the Communications Council, being a graphic designer professionally and recognizing a real need for this skill set in League. She held this position while also assuming another on the Kids in the Kitchen Committee and served as a mentor to those who have followed her in this role.
From there, Jillian chaired the Children’s Initiatives Committee, successfully restructuring the Junior League of Norfolk-Virginia Beach’s 7th Annual Little Hands, Big Difference event and working closely with other League committees. The event broke all previous records for children’s service for the League (doubling previous participation and directly touching at least 2,800 lives). She fostered a new partnership between the League and the Naval Medical Center Portsmouth, establishing new programming for members to visit hospitalized children three times a month, bringing toys and books for them to enjoy.
Over the course of four months, Jillian chaired a committee that planned Project Makeover Hampton Roads, an event of unprecedented proportion for the Junior League of Norfolk-Virginia Beach. 330 volunteers, 1,850 hours of service, and three days of hard work later, Jacox Elementary School had a new butterfly garden, fresh paint and new games to play on school grounds. The school had revitalized bathrooms and more than 35 murals (totaling 1,100 feet), which Jillian was instrumental in designing and placing. With no dedicated funding for the project, the project raised $14,000. Jillian Goodwin surrounded herself with people who lifted her higher and the results are nothing short of contagious passion!