2016: DeNora Getachew
The Junior League of The City of New York
DeNora Getachew knows how to get it done in the Big Apple.
Professionally, she is an accomplished attorney specializing in advocacy, and is the campaign manager and legislative counsel at the Brennan Center for Justice in New York City. She serves on the boards of the Union Settlement Association in East Harlem and for Planned Parenthood NYC Votes.
She also is vice chair of her local community board in Manhattan…and hopes to take on higher-level community leadership, including possibly running for local office. That’s the leadership resume DeNora brought to the Junior League of the City of New York…and she has put it to good use.
As the co-chair of the League’s Advocates for Public Policy committee, she works hard to ensure that the committee is focused on issues with the greatest impact on women and children. And she is both bold and savvy in seeking out new opportunities for the League to collaborate with prominent community organizations, coalitions, and elected officials with the goal of developing higher public visibility for the League and its initiatives. DeNora also partners closely with the New York State Public Affairs Committee to help form critical relationships with statewide organizations and other Junior Leagues throughout the state.
A product of the Bronx, DeNora was a teenage mother who brings her own personal experience to her work as an advocate for women and children.
Looking at her time as a League member, she says… “While NYJL has recognized me as a Provisional on the Move and a Woman to Watch, this is not the reason that I remain an active NYJL volunteer. I dedicate my time and skills to the League because I believe in its power to strengthen the health and well-being of New York City’s women, children and families.”