2016 Honorable Mention: Second Tuesday Club
This year’s Honorable Mention for Membership Recruitment and Engagement goes to The Junior League of Midland's Second Tuesday Club.
In 2011, the Junior League of Midland, Inc. began an initiative to reenergize Sustainer membership and involvement in the League through the establishment of a social club called The Second Tuesday Club (STC). The concept for the club is to organize multiple social events for resident Sustaining members utilizing League Headquarters, local cultural centers, and member homes as venues. STC events are held on the second Tuesday of the month from September through April and include day and evening functions. All events are planned and facilitated by Second Tuesday Club member volunteers.
Two past Presidents of the Junior League of Midland created the Second Tuesday Club. Membership for the STC was sought from Sustainers as well as past League members who were not active as Sustainers. Due to the overwhelming response to the initial solicitation for participation, membership was limited and is currently at full capacity with 270 members.
The STC has rejuvenated Sustainer involvement and satisfaction in the League. Measurable outcomes include a significant increase in Sustainer membership, improved participation at League events, broader financial support for League activities and fundraisers, and vastly improved Sustainer satisfaction levels. Recently, JLM was asked by “PALS,” a networking group composed of mid-size leagues in AJLI to present on their Second Tuesday Club at Fall Conference in New Orleans.