2013: Stacey Chavis
The Junior League of Atlanta
Rising Star Award-winner Stacey Chavis defines what it means to be a leader who takes the initiative, advocates for change, and remains at the top of her game through continuous training and the study of issues important to her. Her impact on the Junior League of Atlanta, which she joined only two short years ago, has been boundless, as has her ability to educate her community about the real and present danger of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children.
The child of two public servants whose volunteer career began at her mother’s side on projects for Meals on Wheels and March of Dimes, Chavis has evolved into a savvy and compassionate figure in the community whose impactful work on the League’s CSEC committee has truly been transformative.
Chavis was trained by the Governor’s Office for Children and Families. Then, equipped with her new knowledge and while serving as the Leagues Political/Public Affairs Committee Chair-Elect, she ventured out into the community, presenting to church groups, business leaders, and state legislators about the dangers of the exploitation of children.
In addition, Chavis led an advocacy workshop for League members interested in bringing about legislation. Her service to the League complies fully with its mission to improve the effectives of its resources, to be the go-to source in the community for leadership training and volunteer service, and to transform communities by empowering at-risk women and children to become self-reliant.