2012: Provisional Curriculum
After watching the Provisional satisfaction rate drop significantly over the years, The Junior League of Boca Raton established a new Provisional Curriculum designed to address concerns about the future viability of the League.
The plan included a meeting structure that was grounded in The Junior League Mission:
- Providing Voluntarism
- Developing the Potential of Women
- Improving Communities
The meetings featured leaders from all Councils who spoke about their roles and how they related to the larger Mission. The monthly Provisionals meeting also incorporated a “Done-in-a-Meeting,” or DIAM, component that allowed hands-on events like filling backpacks with food donated by the League as a whole, including Provisionals.
Provisionals were paired with Active members in a mentoring program that covered League terminology and provided guidance on how to fit in quickly and easily to their class and into the League itself.
In addition, new members were given the option of working on one of five Provisional Projects, all of which were tied into the work of existing League committees. Easy entry points were available for working on specific initiatives or in fundraising, and each of the Provisional Projects had clearly defined leadership roles. Additional training sessions highlighted a variety of paths available to each member throughout her League career.
The results are that of 69 Provisionals, 93% are now Active members in good standing, and 12 have taken on leadership roles.