2010 Honorable Mention: Strategic Plan for Membership
Program Goal
To deal with a decline in membership and troubling retention rates, The Junior League of London developed a five year Strategic Plan for Membership. The plan sought to increase member recruitment and retention.
Program Description
The JLL began by undertaking an assessment of membership levels of the past few years. Some key insights emerged. First, they have been churning or losing existing members. Specifically, many Actives were leaving in their first 18 months. Secondly, Active members transitioning to Sustainer were leaving as well. The assessment also uncovered additional key issues negatively impacting the membership. Members were not getting enough of an opportunity to meet new people and not receiving meaningful volunteer service in the community. Also the requirements were not flexible enough to allow members to have a meaningful experience.
To improve member engagement, the League gave all members an early opportunity for hands-on work in the community. More opportunities to directly serve the community were offered. In addition, the League gave members flexibility in fulfilling requirements, reduced meeting requirements and the time requirements for Actives to reduce their commitment loads. Also JLL eased the path for members seeking leaves of absence. Sustainers became increasingly engaged when they were granted the same voting rights as Active members, and the appointment of Retention Champions further helped in the effort to reinstate former members.
The membership base experienced growth for the first time in three years. Most significantly, the culture shifted to becoming more member focused. Policies regarding membership requirements (leave of absence, meeting attendance, volunteer hours, etc.) were made more flexible to reflect the life stage complexion of individual members. Instead of focusing on narrowly defined requirements, members could comfortably choose an option that better meets their particular needs.
A formal survey of membership demonstrated that 84 percent agreed they were making a positive impact in the community.