2010 Honorable Mention: Fund Development Strategy
Program Goal
The Junior League of Salt Lake City realized it was dependent on a single annual gala as its primary fundraiser and communications vehicle. The gala was increasingly perceived as requiring a lot of effort but delivering a very low financial return. The goals were to move toward a fund development strategy and to provide a robust connection to community priorities.
Program Description
The League successfully redesigned their annual gala from being a stand alone event to being one part of a fund development strategy. It endeavored to move from an event-based model to a fund-development model. This involved the cultivation of relationships with donors and prospective donors, local government officials and non-profit community groups, and built public awareness for its community programs. In the process, the League re-engineered its Community Advisory Board (CAB), enlisted corporate partners, community leaders and foundations to collaborate on community priorities. The connection between fund raising and community projects was strengthened. Members and many in the community developed a clearer identification of League’s mission impacting the community.
The League created a Gifts and Community Outreach Committee and increased member satisfaction by reducing volunteer time requirements. The old gala required 1,900 volunteer hours and obtained net revenue of $35,000. The Major Gifts Committee required about 600 hours and raised $185,000. The number of hours was decreased threefold coupled with a significant increase in funds raised.
The new funds raised came from a more diversified fundraising strategy. The result is a significant increase of funds - 17 percent between 2005 and 2009. The new annual gala nearly doubled its revenue; more than $60,000 was secured through grants which demonstrated funds from a more diversified funding base. The League has taken a huge step away from event based fund raising and moved toward a new model.
The League tracked all new gifts solicited. Each CAB member is to provide $5k of funding or in-kind donations for League community projects and their commitment was tracked.