2009: New Actives Membership Program
Program Goal
In 2007, The Junior League of San Antonio established the New Actives Membership Program designed to help members bridge the transition from their Provisional year to Active status and thereby strengthen their involvement in the League at an early stage of membership. In the first Active year, members no longer have access to the guidance that characterizes the Provisional period. The New Actives Program offers mentoring and additional resources to help them navigate this new phase of membership, deepen their commitment to the League, and consider taking on leadership positions.
Program Description
Now in its second year of operation, the New Actives Program comprises three components that are intended to strengthen the connection between the New Active and the League:
- Single Point of Contact – The New Actives Chair, a new position, provides members with a single contact to help them through the year. She is available in person, by telephone and by email to answer questions, ease concerns and help members find their way through administrative procedures, which can be a daunting task in larger Leagues.
- Staying Connected – Specially targeted educational and social activities help the first-year Actives stay connected as a group and spur their participation in the League. They are put in touch with other Actives in the same or nearby zip codes, a special newsletter addresses issues important to them and highlights their accomplishments, and social activities encourage them and their families to bond with each other beyond their League work.
- Mentoring Tomorrow’s Leaders – New Actives are mentored by League veterans, who share information about placements and other activities. The New Actives may even shadow their mentors as the latter execute their League responsibilities. This personalized attention and education provides the New Actives with a better understanding of placements and helps them make informed decisions about their life in the League.
The retention of New Actives has improved dramatically since the inception of the program: Dropout rates went from 50 percent to below 20 percent. The women who participated in the first New Active class are now in their second year of Active membership, and half of them are serving in leadership roles, representing a dramatic increase in the number of members who have assumed leadership responsibilities so early in their tenure in the League.
Evaluation parameters include: (1) tracking communication between the New Active Chair and the New Active Class to ensure that the Single Point of Contact remains a viable component; (2) monitoring involvement by New Actives through use of the special newsletter and their attendance at social and educational events; (3) monitoring the participation of New Actives in the Mentoring Program; and (4) tracking the number of New Actives who seek leadership roles in subsequent years.
Early results indicate that the program will continue to pay dividends for years to come. By proactively maintaining the engagement of Provisionals into the first Active year, the program has increased the number of members who succeed in those early years, reducing frustration with administrative processes and inspiring them to become more deeply involved in community projects (three members from the 2007-08 class are working in the League’s signature program, LITERACY San Antonio).