2008 Honorable Mention: Rapid Transition Provisional Program
Program Goal
Recognizing that women's lives have become increasing busy with career, family and personal commitments, The Junior League of Orange County instituted the Rapid Transition Provisional Program. The program provides expedited training, faster integration into the League and more volunteer opportunities – collapsed into a shorter Provisional period.
Program Description
In 2005, The League's research indicated that new members wanted to "jump into" their community work and the full League experience as soon as possible. The following year, the League responded by introducing a revamped Provisional Course based on a five-point, goal-oriented strategy:
- Increase the number of women who complete the Provisional Program and join the League
- Improve the retention of Provisionals with a training program that better satisfied their needs
- Address the needs of prospective members for efficient and flexible training by offering two Provisional courses each year, the spring and fall
- Integrate Provisionals more quickly in to the League by introducing placements and Done-In-A-Day opportunities earlier
- Increase member connectivity by breaking the large Provisional group into smaller groups, each with its own activities and Provisional Advisor
Outreach to prospective members has been made more systematic and included invitations to League events and more information about the Provisional Program itself. Training is concentrated into a one-day orientation that contained half of the Provisional requirements. This is followed by three small-group meetings that serve as educational and networking opportunities. Mentoring and support are provided by the Provisional advisors as well as selected Actives.
The combined size of the two incoming Provisional classes has remained steady, virtually the same as that of the previous one-year classes. The annual attrition rate within the Provisional class has decreased dramatically, falling from 33 percent in 2004-05 to 17 percent in 2006-07. And there was an increase in the number of new members seeking leadership placements between 2005-2006 and 2006-2007.
Evaluation: Surveys of new members indicate that they appreciate the flexibility of having two opportunities to join the League each year, of doing so at a desirable pace, and of being able to participate sooner in the League and in community service.
The Rapid Transition Provisional Program has reduced the cost per trainee by almost 60 percent. Surveys indicate that retention of Actives with one to three years of tenure – a critical group – is increasing, due in part to mentoring and personal connections that are integral parts of the new program.