AJ Turner
AJ Turner was 11 years old when she learned that her heart belonged to serving her community. She started her servant leader journey through candy striping at the local hospital and working in the public library to sort and shelve books. “I learned a lot in those early days of voluntarism. I learned that we are always growing and changing and that we can always help others no matter our circumstance." When she was 13, AJ volunteered for a season with the Kansas City Renaissance Fair and learned even more about who she was and why it was important to give back. “I learned that we must find common ground. It was through those experiences that I found my heart for serving,” AJ Turner.
AJ has been incredibly fortunate to be surrounded by numerous brilliant minds and compassionate hearts, and to be a part of so many incredible organizations. She joined the Junior League of Sioux Falls ten years ago and has since transferred to the Junior League of Owensboro. Every day, the women leaders of Junior League inspire and motivate her to become a more effective servant leader, women’s advocate, and overall individual. Through the Junior League, she has been awarded a number of opportunities to learn and grow. AJ completed leadership development training through Leaders of Tomorrow, Author of my Life, and the Women’s Leadership Program in Sioux Falls, SD, as well as the Community Leadership Program with Leadership Everyone in Evansville, IN. AJ has been connected to exceptional projects which include Call to Freedom and Levitt at the Falls in Sioux Falls, SD. She has had the pleasure of finding common ground with organizations like Sioux Falls Pride, Emily’s Hope and Face it Together.
Through the honor of being selected as one of the Association of Junior League International’s 40 under 40 she hopes to continue to inspire and empower others on their servant leader journeys. AJ was recently hired as the Community Development Director for a local non-profit transitional home and is thrilled to see how her skills and passion directly benefit her community. These achievements will serve as a reminder of the importance of community activism, as well as motivation to continue making a difference in everything she does. “I know this is only the beginning of great things to come!” AJ Turner.