2019: Diversity and Inclusion
The 2019 Award for Diversity and Inclusion goes to The Junior League of Savannah, GA.
In 2015, as the Junior League of Savannah approached their 90th anniversary, members reflected on their position as an older League in a southern town. It was then that the League decided to take decisive measures bent on breaking unwanted stereotypes and improving their organization’s diversity in both their leadership and membership. Understanding that diversity in membership yields diversity in ideas, creativity and outlook, the Junior League of Savannah first reimagined their recruitment strategies. The first step was to remove the proposer requirement – a tangible barrier for inclusivity. Within the next year the League saw a promising 5% diversity in their provisional class. They were headed in the right direction.
During the following four years the organization strove to reflect the diversity of the community they serve. With a mission to enhance constructive discourse around stereotypes, biases and privilege, the League held interactive training in 2018 moderated by the Director of the Office of Multicultural Affairs at Georgia Southern University. Then, in 2019, they conducted a two-part training session. The first featured a panel discussion with speakers from Savannah PRIDE, the Latino community and the Jewish Education Alliance. Part 2 was comprised of a member led workshop beginning with a discussion of biases and labels before transitioning into a discussion on the unification of the community. The League closed the workshop recommending methods for effective advocacy.
Last year, Savannah elected their first African American President. This year the League’s leadership was 18% diverse and the League reached 22% diversity within its provisional class. Congratulations to the Junior League of Savannah for your success in improving Diversity and Inclusion.