2011: Junior League University
Program Goal
The goal of Junior League University (JLU) is to fully connect transferring members to The Junior League of Houston. The purpose of JLU is to solve the problem of transferring members not feeling like a full member and not having an early community project experience.
Program Description
JLH has a steady and substantial volume of approximately 90-120 transfers per year. The challenge is to involve them quickly and build a meaningful connection to the League. The program starts with an orientation and learning about the greater Houston area. Next they are introduced to League community projects and have opportunities to connect with other members. They are provided advisors who assist the Transfers become the best community representatives they can be.
The program streamlined the process of introducing each transfer member to the Houston area and to JLH projects. The purpose was to quickly obtain the knowledge about becoming a fully engaged member and rapidly connect to advisors and other members. JLU provided classes, community placements, and meetings to accomplish this in a timely way. In short, they get connected to a community program quickly. Having this early experience fostered their connection and appreciation of JLH.
JLU connected transferring members into the League and enabled their participation in a community project. This early connection to a meaningful project has resulted in more satisfied members. Transfers enrolled in the JLU program were happy with their community placement. They were given a hands-on community experience and learned what impact JLH projects are having. Overall transfers became more fully trained in JLH operations and more quickly felt that they are valuable members contributing to the mission. Through a combination of an orientation, educational meetings, community placement and social gatherings JLU successfully connected transferring members to the League.
JLU training sessions are evaluated and there has been ample anecdotal evidence from transfers and advisors demonstrating that the program is working to integrate transferring members. Some of the lessons learned include -there is no substitute for direct feedback from Transfers who are being impacted by the programs.