JLP currently offer KITK programming through four types of events:
- Monthly small-group lessons of a League-developed, standards-based nutrition curriculum (Current mastery level: 87%)
- Large events where participants rotate through experiential stations (Current mastery level: 92%)
- Public ‘booth’ events that engage youth in short demonstrations while providing educational tools to parents in English and Spanish. (Participation: 710 youth in 2014-15)
- Diabetes-friendly cooking classes that supply Native American families on the Salt River Reservation with diabetes management and prevention techniques, kid-friendly recipes and take-home meals. (New in 2015; 50 participants)
The Junior League of Phoenix has lofty goals for continued program expansion. Future plans include a "Train the Trainer" event in Spring 2016 for youth development leaders from the Boys and Girls Club, and a Nutrition and Health Day event for 2016-17.