Danielle Wilberg is a dedicated force within The Junior League of Champaign-Urbana (JLCU), where she is currently a sustaining member. Her journey within the organization spans nearly two decades, marked by a plethora of impactful roles and contributions.
Her tenure with The Junior League commenced in 2003, evolving from an Active Member to a Sustaining Member in 2017. Throughout her years of service, Danielle has exemplified steadfast leadership, spearheading various initiatives aimed at empowering women and fostering community advancement.
One of Danielle’s notable achievements includes her pivotal role as the 2016 JLCU Executive Vice-President, where she not only established the position but also facilitated a seamless transition between governance and management boards. Moreover, her involvement in the State Public Affairs Committee from 2013 to 2015 saw the implementation of an updated advocacy program, ensuring alignment with organizational bylaws and strategic objectives.
Her leadership trajectory within The Junior League spans across roles such as President and Membership Council Director, each marked by significant milestones and advancements. From shaping the League’s strategic impact areas to instituting innovative marketing strategies, Danielle’s vision has consistently propelled the organization forward.
In addition to her impactful roles on a local level, Danielle has served in several governance capacities within AJLI, showcasing her commitment to the organization’s success. Her roles included the Rising Star Committee in 2023 and 2024, Governance Chair in 2022, Governance Vice Chair in 2021, participation in the Governance Committee from 2013 to 2014, and contributing to the AJLI Dues Task Force in 2010. These varied responsibilities highlight Danielle’s dedication to the broader success and strategic direction of AJLI.
Beyond her commitments to The Junior League, Danielle has extended her influence to various community endeavors, notably serving on the board of the Don Moyer Boys and Girls Club Foundation and chairing the United Way of Champaign County’s inaugural Power of the Purse Committee.
Professionally, Danielle currently holds the position of Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign’s School of Information Sciences. In this capacity, she adeptly identifies funding opportunities to support research, education, and innovation initiatives, bridging academia and corporate spheres to drive positive change in the information landscape.
Danielle’s academic achievements include a Master’s degree in Higher Education Administration from North Park University and a Bachelor’s degree in Liberal Arts and Sciences, with a focus on English, from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
Driven by a profound belief in the power of collective action, Danielle remains steadfast in her commitment to laying the groundwork for the future of the Junior League. Her favorite quote by Margaret Mead, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has,” encapsulates her unwavering dedication to community service and her relentless pursuit of positive change.